5 new words that I may have heard, but never fully understood.
- Assiduous [as-sid-u-ous] - diligent, constant in application or attention; persistent.
- Capricious [cap-ri-cious] - implusive and unpredictable, characterized by subject to whim.
- Esoteric [es-o-ter-ic] - abstuse, difficult to understand; confidential.
- Ubiquitous [u-biq-ui-tous] - omnipresent; seeming to be everywhere all at once.
- Candor [can-dor] - the ability to make judgements free of discrimination; honesty and straightforwardness.
- acquiesce [ac-qui-esce]
- adjudicate [a-ju-di-cate]
- amoeba [a-mee-ba]
- buoyant [boy-ant]
- colonel [ker-nel]
- conscientious [con-sci-en-tious]
- idiosyncrasy [id-io-sync-ra-sy]
- naivete [nai-eve-te]
- omniscient [om-nisc-ient]
- recognizance [re-cog-niz-ence]
- rendezvous [ron-de-vu]
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